Boldly Rising: Overcoming Personal Fears and Insecurities in Evangelism

Overcoming personal fears and insecurities in evangelism

Throughout the Bible and even in the lives of faithful evangelists throughout history, I find stories that resonate with my own personal fears and insecurities in evangelism, as well as examples of persecution for their faith.

One such biblical story is found in the life of Moses. When God called me to step out and share His message, I felt a deep sense of inadequacy and fear. Like Moses, I questioned my abilities and struggled with self-doubt.

I wondered if I could effectively communicate God’s truth to others. Yet, just as God reassured Moses and provided him with a helper, I discovered that God equips and empowers those whom He calls. He reminded me that it is not about my own strength or eloquence but about His presence and guidance.

In the New Testament, I resonate with the story of Peter. His moment of fear and insecurity hits close to home. I remember times when I faltered and failed to boldly proclaim my faith. Like Peter, I experienced moments of doubt and even denied my connection to Jesus.

Yet, in those moments, I learned that God’s forgiveness and grace are always available. Just as Jesus restored Peter after His resurrection, I found solace in God’s forgiveness and His ability to use even my shortcomings for His glory.

Turning to historical figures, one inspiring example is George Whitefield, a prominent evangelist during the Great Awakening. Whitefield faced immense opposition and persecution for his unwavering proclamation of the Gospel. He encountered insults, threats, and physical attacks from those who opposed his message.

However, his resilience and determination remind me that sharing the Gospel comes with its share of challenges. Whitefield’s boldness in the face of adversity inspires me to persevere in my own evangelistic endeavors, knowing that God’s truth is worth the opposition we may encounter.

In my personal journey, I’ve also faced moments of fear and persecution. I recall preaching in bars in Louisville, and the hostility I encountered was overwhelming.

On one occasion, someone even threw a beer bottle at me, narrowly missing its mark. It was a vivid reminder that not everyone would be receptive to the message of Christ’s love.

Similarly, I remember being arrested for open-air preaching near a strip club. In that encounter, a police officer questioned the morality of my actions. It was a challenging situation, but I held onto the compassion in my heart and explained how God’s transformative power could touch the lives of those engaged in such activities.

Though I faced opposition and even spent some time in prison, I believe God was working amidst those circumstances, touching hearts and planting seeds of hope.

These stories from the Bible and the lives of faithful evangelists like Whitefield, along with my own experiences, remind me that fear, insecurities, and persecution are not uncommon in the journey of evangelism.

However, they also highlight the importance of relying on God’s strength, trusting in His promises, and remaining faithful to the calling to share the good news. In my weaknesses and vulnerabilities, God can work powerfully, bringing about transformative change, both in my own life and in the lives of those I reach out to.

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